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NTeleportation - 传送系统

免费 NTeleportation - 传送系统 1.8.9

找到多个玩家:9910 - Ruptga, 8750 - GRYLLZ, 1133 - Roe Jogan
/tp 9910 - 会将您传送到Ruptga
/tp 9910 nivex - 会将Ruptga传送到nivex
/tpr 9910 - 会向Ruptga发送传送请求
UseFriends - 通过Friends API检查拥有者和玩家是否是朋友
UseClans - 通过Clans API检查拥有者和玩家是否在同一个战队 (仅支持Oxide的 Clans.cs或RustIO::Clans - 其他战队插件状态未知)
UseTeams - 通过Rust团队检查拥有者和玩家是否是队友
UseEconomics - 使用Economics插件支付传送或支付以绕过冷却
UseServerRewards - 使用ServerRewards插件支付传送或支付以绕过冷却
WipeOnUpgradeOrChange - 如果为true,在服务器检测到为新档时,删除HOME、小镇、岛屿、强盗营地和前哨站位置
UsableOutOfBuildingBlocked - 允许玩家从没有领地权限的区域传送出去(不是进入)
ForceOnTopOfFoundation - 如果为true,玩家必须在地基或地板上设置家。如果为false,玩家可以在任何其他配置未限制的地方设置家 (例如 nterruptTPOnMonument)
AllowAboveFoundation - 允许在拥有/共享地基(地板)上的建筑物的第几楼设置家。如果为false,玩家必须在地基(一楼)上使用home/sethome。
TPT - 包含用于启用朋友、战队和队伍的即时TPA的
  "Settings": {
    "Chat Command Color": "#FFFF00",
    "Chat Command Argument Color": "#FFA500",
    "Enable Popup Support": false,
    "Block All Teleporting From Inside Authorized Base": false,
    "TPB Available After X Seconds": 0.0,
    "Global Teleport Cooldown": 0.0,
    "Global VIP Teleport Cooldown": 0.0,
    "Play Sounds After Teleport": false,
    "Sounds To Play After Teleport": [
      "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/damage_effect_debris.prefab",
      "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/effects/rocket_fire.prefab"
    "Interrupt TP": {
      "Interrupt Teleport At Specific Monuments": [],
      "Above Water": true,
      "Balloon": true,
      "Boats": false,
      "Cargo Ship": true,
      "Cold": false,
      "Excavator": false,
      "Hot": false,
      "Hostile": false,
      "Hurt": true,
      "Junkpiles": false,
      "Lift": true,
      "Monument": false,
      "Ignore Monument Marker Prefab": false,
      "Mounted": true,
      "Oil Rig": false,
      "Safe Zone": true,
      "Swimming": false
    "Block Teleport (NoEscape)": false,
    "Block Teleport (ZoneManager)": false,
    "Chat Name": "<color=red>Teleportation</color> \n\n",
    "Chat Steam64ID": 76561199056025689,
    "Check Boundaries On Teleport X Y Z": true,
    "Data File Directory (Blank = Default)": "",
    "Draw Sphere On Set Home": true,
    "Homes Enabled": true,
    "TPR Enabled": true,
    "Strict Foundation Check": false,
    "Cave Distance Small": 50.0,
    "Cave Distance Medium": 70.0,
    "Cave Distance Large": 110.0,
    "Default Monument Size": 50.0,
    "Minimum Temp": 0.0,
    "Maximum Temp": 40.0,
    "Blocked Items": {},
    "Bypass CMD": "pay",
    "Use Monument Topology Check": false,
    "Use Cave Topology Check": false,
    "Use Economics": false,
    "Use Server Rewards": false,
    "Wipe On Upgrade Or Change": true,
    "Auto Generate Outpost Location": true,
    "Auto Generate Bandit Location": true,
    "Show Time As Seconds Instead": false
  "Admin": {
    "Announce Teleport To Target": false,
    "Usable By Admins": true,
    "Usable By Moderators": true,
    "Location Radius": 25,
    "Teleport Near Default Distance": 30
  "Home": {
    "Homes Limit": 2,
    "VIP Homes Limits": {
      "nteleportation.vip": 5
    "Allow Sethome At Specific Monuments": [
      "HQM Quarry",
      "Stone Quarry",
      "Sulfur Quarry",
      "Ice Lake"
    "Allow Sethome At All Monuments": false,
    "Allow TPB": true,
    "Cooldown": 600,
    "Countdown": 15,
    "Daily Limit": 5,
    "VIP Daily Limits": {
      "nteleportation.vip": 5
    "VIP Cooldowns": {
      "nteleportation.vip": 5
    "VIP Countdowns": {
      "nteleportation.vip": 5
    "Location Radius": 25,
    "Force On Top Of Foundation": true,
    "Check Foundation For Owner": true,
    "Use Friends": true,
    "Use Clans": true,
    "Use Teams": true,
    "Usable Out Of Building Blocked": false,
    "Usable Into Building Blocked": false,
    "Usable From Safe Zone Only": false,
    "Allow Cupboard Owner When Building Blocked": true,
    "Allow Iceberg": false,
    "Allow Cave": false,
    "Allow Crafting": false,
    "Allow Above Foundation": true,
    "Check If Home Is Valid On Listhomes": false,
    "Pay": 0,
    "Bypass": 0
  "TPT": {
    "Use Friends": false,
    "Use Clans": false,
    "Use Teams": false,
    "Allow Cave": false
  "TPR": {
    "Require Player To Be Friend, Clan Mate, Or Team Mate": false,
    "Allow Cave": false,
    "Allow TPB": true,
    "Cooldown": 600,
    "Countdown": 15,
    "Daily Limit": 5,
    "VIP Daily Limits": {
      "nteleportation.vip": 5
    "VIP Cooldowns": {
      "nteleportation.vip": 5
    "VIP Countdowns": {
      "nteleportation.vip": 5
    "Request Duration": 30,
    "Block TPA On Ceiling": true,
    "Usable Out Of Building Blocked": false,
    "Usable Into Building Blocked": false,
    "Allow Cupboard Owner When Building Blocked": true,
    "Allow Crafting": false,
    "Pay": 0,
    "Bypass": 0
  "Dynamic Commands": {
    "Town": {
      "Command Enabled": true,
      "Allow TPB": true,
      "Allow Cave": false,
      "Cooldown": 600,
      "Countdown": 15,
      "Daily Limit": 5,
      "VIP Daily Limits": {
        "nteleportation.vip": 5
      "VIP Cooldowns": {
        "nteleportation.vip": 5
      "VIP Countdowns": {
        "nteleportation.vip": 5
      "Location": "0 0 0",
      "Locations": [],
      "Teleport To Random Location": false,
      "Usable Out Of Building Blocked": false,
      "Allow Crafting": false,
      "Pay": 0,
      "Bypass": 0
    "Island": {
      "Command Enabled": true,
      "Allow TPB": false,
      "Allow Cave": false,
      "Cooldown": 600,
      "Countdown": 15,
      "Daily Limit": 5,
      "VIP Daily Limits": {
        "nteleportation.vip": 5
      "VIP Cooldowns": {
        "nteleportation.vip": 5
      "VIP Countdowns": {
        "nteleportation.vip": 5
      "Location": "0 0 0",
      "Locations": [],
      "Teleport To Random Location": true,
      "Usable Out Of Building Blocked": false,
      "Allow Crafting": false,
      "Pay": 0,
      "Bypass": 0
    "Outpost": {
      "Command Enabled": true,
      "Allow TPB": true,
      "Allow Cave": false,
      "Cooldown": 600,
      "Countdown": 15,
      "Daily Limit": 5,
      "VIP Daily Limits": {
        "nteleportation.vip": 5
      "VIP Cooldowns": {
        "nteleportation.vip": 5
      "VIP Countdowns": {
        "nteleportation.vip": 5
      "Location": "0 0 0",
      "Locations": [],
      "Teleport To Random Location": true,
      "Usable Out Of Building Blocked": false,
      "Allow Crafting": false,
      "Pay": 0,
      "Bypass": 0
    "Bandit": {
      "Command Enabled": true,
      "Allow TPB": true,
      "Allow Cave": false,
      "Cooldown": 600,
      "Countdown": 15,
      "Daily Limit": 5,
      "VIP Daily Limits": {
        "nteleportation.vip": 5
      "VIP Cooldowns": {
        "nteleportation.vip": 5
      "VIP Countdowns": {
        "nteleportation.vip": 5
      "Location": "0 0 0",
      "Locations": [],
      "Teleport To Random Location": true,
      "Usable Out Of Building Blocked": false,
      "Allow Crafting": false,
      "Pay": 0,
      "Bypass": 0
0.00 星 0 星
