可选的依赖关系可获得的基础- https://www.rustjl.cn/resources/90/
可选依赖自定义战利品- https://www.rustjl.cn/resources/94/
在npc突袭中随机呼叫,并提供Mlrs和Attack Hele选项设置可配置的计时器并有机会在raid中自动呼叫
有了Raidable bases插件,为npc提供了一个可配置选项的机会,让他们回来攻击其中一个基地的攻略。
聊天命令-Permission = randomraids.admin
/randomraid -- 将显示命令用法。
/randomraid <item> -将显示raid项的列表,以便管理员提供给他们自己。
randomraid <playerid> <type> -为玩家提供raid项以启动raid。
"Random settings": {
"GUI AnchorMin": "0.807 0.96",
"GUI AnchorMax": "0.996 0.99",
"GUI2 AnchorMin": "0.807 0.92",
"GUI2 AnchorMax": "0.996 0.95",
"GameTip display time in seconds": 2.0,
"Total raids allowed at once": 10,
"A player on the tc must be online": true,
"Use random raid timer": false,
"Random raid timer time": 3600,
"Chance of random raid at time (1-100)": 10,
"Authorized players Cooldown minutes before random raided again by chance": 1440,
"The maximum amount of time a rocket will fly before exploding": 4.0,
"Npc spawn damage delay": 2.0,
"Display global chat message on raid start": true,
"Display global map marker on raid start": true,
"Display Gui to base owners": false,
"Use GameTip announcement to player": false,
"Disable radio chatter": false,
"Wait until all NPC are dead before sending in next wave": false,
"Player must have randomraids.use inorder to get raided": false,
"Use world text to show base location": false,
"World text display time": 60.0,
"Use discord Webhook": false,
"Discord Webhook URL": "",
"Discord Avatar URL": "http://images.myvector.xyz/discordimage.png"
"All Random Raid Types": {
"Random raid types": {
"easy": {
"Total auth players on tc needed": 1,
"Total npcs per wave": 10,
"How many extra waves": 1,
"Seconds untell next wave": 120,
"Npc fires Mlrs at base": false,
"Send in Attack Copter support": false,
"Total event time in seconds": 640,
"Npc drop loot on death": true,
"Spawn health of the npc": 100.0,
"Total rockets npc can fire": 20,
"Total explosives npc can toss": 10,
"Total AirDrops on event win": 1,
"Rocket damage scale": 1.0,
"Player damage scale from npc": 1.0,
"Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0,
"Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0,
"Throw Explosive item shortnames": [
"Spawn Attack Heli profile": [
"Spawn kits for the npcs": [],
"Names to give the npcs": [
"Cobalt Scientist"
"CustomLoot config profile name": [],
"CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [],
"AlphaLoot config profile names": [],
"AlphaLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [],
"Juggernaut config": [
"Surrender costs": 200
"medium": {
"Total auth players on tc needed": 2,
"Total npcs per wave": 15,
"How many extra waves": 1,
"Seconds untell next wave": 120,
"Npc fires Mlrs at base": false,
"Send in Attack Copter support": true,
"Total event time in seconds": 900,
"Npc drop loot on death": true,
"Spawn health of the npc": 200.0,
"Total rockets npc can fire": 20,
"Total explosives npc can toss": 10,
"Total AirDrops on event win": 1,
"Rocket damage scale": 1.0,
"Player damage scale from npc": 1.0,
"Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0,
"Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0,
"Throw Explosive item shortnames": [
"Spawn Attack Heli profile": [
"Spawn kits for the npcs": [],
"Names to give the npcs": [
"Cobalt Scientist"
"CustomLoot config profile name": [],
"CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [],
"AlphaLoot config profile names": [],
"AlphaLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [],
"Juggernaut config": [
"Surrender costs": 400
"hard": {
"Total auth players on tc needed": 3,
"Total npcs per wave": 20,
"How many extra waves": 1,
"Seconds untell next wave": 120,
"Npc fires Mlrs at base": false,
"Send in Attack Copter support": true,
"Total event time in seconds": 1200,
"Npc drop loot on death": true,
"Spawn health of the npc": 400.0,
"Total rockets npc can fire": 20,
"Total explosives npc can toss": 10,
"Total AirDrops on event win": 1,
"Rocket damage scale": 1.0,
"Player damage scale from npc": 1.0,
"Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0,
"Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0,
"Throw Explosive item shortnames": [
"Spawn Attack Heli profile": [
"Spawn kits for the npcs": [],
"Names to give the npcs": [
"Cobalt Scientist"
"CustomLoot config profile name": [],
"CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [],
"AlphaLoot config profile names": [],
"AlphaLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [],
"Juggernaut config": [
"Surrender costs": 600
"expert": {
"Total auth players on tc needed": 4,
"Total npcs per wave": 30,
"How many extra waves": 1,
"Seconds untell next wave": 120,
"Npc fires Mlrs at base": false,
"Send in Attack Copter support": true,
"Total event time in seconds": 1500,
"Npc drop loot on death": true,
"Spawn health of the npc": 400.0,
"Total rockets npc can fire": 20,
"Total explosives npc can toss": 10,
"Total AirDrops on event win": 1,
"Rocket damage scale": 1.0,
"Player damage scale from npc": 1.0,
"Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0,
"Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0,
"Throw Explosive item shortnames": [
"Spawn Attack Heli profile": [
"Spawn kits for the npcs": [],
"Names to give the npcs": [
"Cobalt Scientist"
"CustomLoot config profile name": [],
"CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [],
"AlphaLoot config profile names": [],
"AlphaLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [],
"Juggernaut config": [
"Surrender costs": 800
"nightmare": {
"Total auth players on tc needed": 5,
"Total npcs per wave": 30,
"How many extra waves": 1,
"Seconds untell next wave": 120,
"Npc fires Mlrs at base": false,
"Send in Attack Copter support": true,
"Total event time in seconds": 2100,
"Npc drop loot on death": true,
"Spawn health of the npc": 400.0,
"Total rockets npc can fire": 20,
"Total explosives npc can toss": 10,
"Total AirDrops on event win": 1,
"Rocket damage scale": 1.0,
"Player damage scale from npc": 1.0,
"Auto turret damage scale to npc": 1.0,
"Raiders aimConeScale": 2.0,
"Throw Explosive item shortnames": [
"Spawn Attack Heli profile": [
"Spawn kits for the npcs": [],
"Names to give the npcs": [
"Cobalt Scientist"
"CustomLoot config profile name": [],
"CustomLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [],
"AlphaLoot config profile names": [],
"AlphaLoot config profile names for AirDrop": [],
"Juggernaut config": [
"Surrender costs": 1000
"AttackCopter profiles": {
"Profile Names": {
"easy": {
"Heli float health": 1000.0,
"Total crates to drop": 2,
"Heli strafe cooldown": 50.0,
"Heli can strafe x times": 3
"Block Random raid in colider": {
"Blocked": [
"Raidable Base plugin settings": {
"Raid player on Raidable Base Completed": false,
"Warn player in chat of upcoming revenge on them": false,
"Raidable Base Settings": {
"0": {
"Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 3,
"Reset kill count after chance happened": false,
"Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0,
"raid chance (1-100)": 10,
"Random raid to send them if chance": [
"1": {
"Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 3,
"Reset kill count after chance happened": false,
"Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0,
"raid chance (1-100)": 10,
"Random raid to send them if chance": [
"2": {
"Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 3,
"Reset kill count after chance happened": false,
"Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0,
"raid chance (1-100)": 10,
"Random raid to send them if chance": [
"3": {
"Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 3,
"Reset kill count after chance happened": false,
"Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0,
"raid chance (1-100)": 10,
"Random raid to send them if chance": [
"4": {
"Total amount of mode complete before ever has chance": 3,
"Reset kill count after chance happened": false,
"Raidable Base Completed Delay Before Raid chance happens": 320.0,
"raid chance (1-100)": 10,
"Random raid to send them if chance": [
"Trigger by npc kills": {
"Enable log kills and random raid on kills": false,
"Reset npc kills on player raided.": false,
"Warn player in chat of upcoming revenge on them": false,
"Use total players on tc check on type": false,
"Enable combine npc kills list": false,
"Combine npc kills list": [
"Combine Profile to use": {
"Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 70,
"Reset kill count after chance happened": false,
"Delay before chance happens": 320.0,
"Raid chance (1-100)": 10,
"Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440,
"Random raid to send them if chance": [
"Npc kills settings": {
"scientistnpc_heavy": {
"Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 30,
"Reset kill count after chance happened": false,
"Delay before chance happens": 320.0,
"Raid chance (1-100)": 10,
"Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440,
"Random raid to send them if chance": [
"scientistnpc_oilrig": {
"Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 60,
"Reset kill count after chance happened": false,
"Delay before chance happens": 320.0,
"Raid chance (1-100)": 10,
"Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440,
"Random raid to send them if chance": [
"scientistnpc_patrol": {
"Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 60,
"Reset kill count after chance happened": false,
"Delay before chance happens": 320.0,
"Raid chance (1-100)": 10,
"Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440,
"Random raid to send them if chance": [
"scientistnpc_junkpile": {
"Total amount of Npc killed before chance can happen": 60,
"Reset kill count after chance happened": false,
"Delay before chance happens": 320.0,
"Raid chance (1-100)": 10,
"Cooldown minutes before chance can happen again": 1440,
"Random raid to send them if chance": [
"Juggernaut profiles": {
"easy": {
"Juggernaut spawns on witch Wave number/Total to spawn": {
"1": 1
"Spawn health of the juggernaut": 500.0,
"Player damage scale from the juggernaut": 1.0,
"juggernaut aimConeScale": 2.0,
"Names to give the juggernaut": [
"Juggernaut Raider"
"Spawn kits for the juggernaut": []
"medium": {
"Juggernaut spawns on witch Wave number/Total to spawn": {
"1": 2
"Spawn health of the juggernaut": 700.0,
"Player damage scale from the juggernaut": 1.0,
"juggernaut aimConeScale": 2.0,
"Names to give the juggernaut": [
"Juggernaut Raider"
"Spawn kits for the juggernaut": []
"Item profiles": {
"easy": {
"Raid call item skin": 2893480896,
"Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 1",
"LootContainer Spawn enabled": false,
"Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [
"LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 5.0
"medium": {
"Raid call item skin": 2893480635,
"Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 2",
"LootContainer Spawn enabled": false,
"Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [
"LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 5.0
"hard": {
"Raid call item skin": 2893481009,
"Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 3",
"LootContainer Spawn enabled": false,
"Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [
"LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 5.0
"expert": {
"Raid call item skin": 2893481137,
"Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 4",
"LootContainer Spawn enabled": false,
"Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [
"LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 5.0
"nightmare": {
"Raid call item skin": 2893482048,
"Raid call item name": "Npc Raid Level 5",
"LootContainer Spawn enabled": false,
"Can Spawn In LootContainer types": [
"LootContainer Spawn Chance 1-100": 5.0
"Version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 7,
"Patch": 7